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Parks Commission

This commission plays a central role in the planning process in two important ways.  First, it acts as an advisory board to the City Council on all parks, trails and open space issues, including the development and maintenance of the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan.  Second, the commission assures that the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan is implemented by reviewing development applications on a case-by-case basis.  Just as a building is built one brick at a time, a community vision is built one project at a time.

The Park and Recreation Commission consists of five (5) members and two (2) alternate members who serve as a volunteer advisory commission appointed by the City Council to serve three (3) year terms. Parks Commissioners are lay people who do not collect a salary or stipend to perform their duties.

Regularly meeting the second (2nd) Tuesday of every month,  the commission reviews and recommends actions on matters related to recreational areas, facilities and needs in light of federal, state, and local regulations and potential environmental effects.  It also listens to testimony from citizens and other interested parties.  However, the Parks Commission does not have the final word on these issues.  Any action can be appealed to the City Council, which can uphold the commission's decision, overturn it, modify it or send it back for further study.

Current Parks Commissioners:

  • Sarah Hussain - Chair (term expires 12-23)
  • Alyce Vogel - Vice Chair (term expires 12-25)
  • Jeff Reiser (term expires 12-24)
  • Kelly Phillips (term expires 12-25)
  • Anna Randall (term expires 12-26)
  • Brett Hughes (term expires 12-26)

Alternate Members:

  • Hal Goldstein - Alternate 1 (term expires 12-23)

Application for Commissions and Committees